Sunday, January 30, 2011

Jordy is 3 Months Old!

Jordy is 3 months old! He is turning into a baby and not an infant. He is becoming so much more interactive and I love it. He is just the happiest little guy.
Some things he is doing now:
* He is super smily when someone looks at him. He loves to interact with people
* He loves to watch his brother and he doesn't mind when Logan over-loves him which happens quite often :)
* He is eating about every 2 hours
* He is still sleeping most of the day and he is not on a schedule yet
* He is very laid back and so sweet like I keep saying. He is just so gosh darn cute in a goofy little way
* He just started sitting in the red chair
* He is wearing mainly 6 month clothes
* He is rolling over tummy to back both ways
* He is sleeping one long stretch of 4-6 hours at night and then every 2 hours after that

Life Just Happenin'

Nothing to special going on lately just life as usual. Here are some random pictures from the last week or so that I thought I would post.

Since Jordy was born Logan every now and then reverts to wanting to be a baby. I'll find him crawling instead of walking or fake crying and I will tell him "Logan you are a big boy" and he will respond "Bebe Mommy". He still is my baby and he even wants to be rocked again which he hasn't wanted for months but Mommy doesn't mind this at all. Aparently he wanted to ride in the infant carseat too!

Naked Babies! Gotta Love Em'

Trash day is by far Logan's favorite day of the week!

My precious Jordy

Chloe is the best cat EVER! She has been letting Logan pick her up for whatever reason and carry her around. He happens to be checking himself out in the mirror in this picture!

Logan and Jordy with their buddy Kenley

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Jordy is a Roller!

Jordy rolled over for the first time yesterday and Daddy was even here to see it! So exciting! This morning he wouldn't stay on his tummy. All he wanted to do was practice his new trick.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Logan is 1 1/2!

Logan is 18 months old today and I wanted to give everyone a little update about our little wildman. Or should I say big wildman. He had his check-up today and is still growing like a weed.

Height: 34in - 91%

Weight: 29lbs 14oz - 91%

Head Circ: 50cm - 95%

He is an incredible talker for his age. He basically is talking and can tell you what he wants or needs most of the time. His vocabulary is huge and he is constantly adding new words daily as he hears them. Some of his favorite words are Dino, Alligator, Please, Thank you, Mommy, Daddy, Jordo (that's what he calls his brother), trash truck, dump truck, and any other kind of truck, slide, ball, chicken, and I could go on and on. He LOVES to climb on everything and we just enrolled him into a gym class that he is going to love. He is super friendly with other kids and loves to try to give them hugs or just get in their face and smile big for them. Soo funny! He loves his brother and we have had little to no jealousy. He gives him hugs and kisses all the time. If I had to describle him I would say he is independent (yet still very attached to Mom), strong, determined, people pleaser, and all around BOY! He loves books, balls, cars, airplanes, trucks, dinosaurs, Elmo, and animals of any kind. He is sleeping from 7pm-7am most nights and usually taking a 2 hour nap during the day. He has become a better cuddler and will even snuggle with us for short periods of time in the mornings and at night. Otherwise he is too energetic to stay put for very long. He is still a good eater although recently has decided he doesn't like vegetables so we have had to get a little creative in getting them into him. He brightens our days with his smile, laugh, funny words and faces, kisses and hugs.

Words He Knows:
Mama, Mommy, Mom
Dada, Daddy
Kitty Cat
Black B (Black Berry)
Boober (Blueberry)
Truck, Trash Truck, Dump Truck
Jon (Yawn)
I know there are more but I can't think of them right now

Animal Sounds:
Wolf Wolf
The noise an elephant makes :)

Body Parts He Knows:

Things I Want To Remember:
"Bida Bida" and "Mina Mina"
His Mean Mug to make us laugh
His LOVE of Elmo and all the Sesame Street characters
His sloppy kisses
"Where's Logan"

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Our Afternoon at the Park

It has been beautiful here lately so yesterday I decided to find the energy to get all three kids (I watch a 10 month old little girl)done with lunch, cleaned and dressed, in the stroller with sippy in hand, and out the door in about 20 min without too much of a fuss from the kids. I have become rather efficient at this whole process which I am quite proud of :) and I know all you Mom's out there understand this. We took a short walk and then headed to a quiet little park in our neighborhood. Not our usual huge and very busy park. This way I could let Logan play without me following right behind him and let Jordy lay on the blanket. Kenley preferred to hang out in the stroller so that worked also. I am realizing more and more just how much Logan is a little boy now. He is independent and strong and I had little fear that he would be able to do all the things on the playground without my help. It's a little sad to me but at the same time I am so proud of him. The last few pictures of him are of him spotting "flowers" on his own and then finding "treasures" and thoroughly examining them on the slide. Then he had to take them over to Kenley to show her which she loved! I know this seems trivial but to a mom seeing her son beginning to really discover the world on his own it is memorable and sweet and sad all at the same time. And then there is my sweet Jordy who was so content on his blanket full of smiles and I truly realize how blessed I am to get to share these memories daily being home with them.

Jordy's 2 Month Check-Up

Jordy had his 2 month check-up this past Monday. It was a little later than planned but I guess that is what happens with the second child. :) He is doing fabulous and growing strong.

Here are his measurements:

Height: 24.5in - 81%
Weight: 12lbs, 12oz - 53%
Head Circ: 39.7cm - 25%

I still can't believe how fast these times fly. I can still think back to Logan at this age like it was yesterday and I know that before we know it Jordy will be right where Logan is today causing trouble with his brother leading the way.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Maya Turned 2!

This weekend, Logan's buddy Maya turned 2 and he was invited to Pretend City to help her celebrate. Of course he had a blast as usual. Here are a few pics from the day.
Logan and Ty in the Fire Engine

Checking out the baby chicks with Dad. I think we might be ready for the zoo!

Logan serving Ann a glass at the restaurant

Daddy and Logan playing in the water

Maya putting some bread in the oven

Starts out as a hug

Turns into wrestling

Happy Birthday Maya!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Some Old and Some New

Here are a few random videos. The first one of Jordan was taken this weekend but the other two are from December.

Jordy is sooo cute! I cannot get enough of his smiles!

Logan loves this kid museum we go to call "Pretend City". He was definitely into the garden on this occasion and sorting his veggies.

Just too funny!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Grandma Dee Visits!

Grandma Dee visited over New Year's and it was yet another great visit. It was nice to have her here especially this time because Jeremy was out of town at a good friend's wedding. An extra set of hands is always nice these days, especially when they are Grandma's! We managed to get to the very cool "Dinosoar Park" and our usual park by our house several times. Mom and I even got a little sewing done too. Soooo nice to have her here!