Monday, August 29, 2011

Jordy is 10 Months Old!

Jordy is 10 Months old this week! He is such a happy little guy with such a loveable personality.

Some things he is doing now:

  • Not crawling on all fours yet but he is army crawling to wherever he wants to go

  • He is a very picky eater and it is driving me crazy. He is eating cheese (his favorite), beans, frozen veggies, bread, chicken etc.

  • He is wearing 12-18 month clothes

  • He is drinking water out of a sippy but formula out of a bottle still

  • He can play independently for a long time. It still amazes me how two kids from the same two parents can be so different. I love exploring their personalities

  • The screaming phase continues but we have definitely added more letters to our arsenal

  • He is extremely ticklish

  • He still has 3 teeth on bottom

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Busy August Part 2

The second part of our trip was spent in Kansas with Daddy and his family. We spent some time in KC with Jeremy's brother Jon and his family and then all headed to Hutchinson to see Grandma and Papa Wright as well as Aunt Amy and Uncle Clay and their new little girl Adi! We also managed to somehow surprise Grandma Cindy for her 60th Bithday with a party with many of her friends and of course her kids and grandkids. It was another great week and many memories were made.

Logan with his cousins in KC

The boys saying hi to Adi for the first time

Grandma and her boys brushing their teeth

Wright Family Picture

My little screamer

SURPRISE!!!! Happy Birthday Cindy - Can't believe we actually surprised her!

Jordy and Jaxon

So in this picture Jaxon is wearing Jon's old t-shirt and Logan is wearing Jeremy's old t-shirt from when they were little. It was too cute and they both really liked wearing them.

Daddy found a Garter snake and of course had to get Logan to touch it!

Sunflowers in Kansas

Logan helping Jeremy pull weeds in Grandma and Papa's backyard

Look closely . . . Logan loved hiding out in Align Centerthis little nook he found

Adi and Amy hangin at the kiddie pool

Both sets of grandparents with their grandsons

Uncle Jeremy with his new neice Adi

Busy August Part 1

We are finally home and settled from our little Midwest hiatus. Logan, Jordy, and I headed back to Omaha on the 1st and spent some time with Grandma and Papa Stanzel. It was a nice and relaxing trip and I had a great time catching up with some old friends as well.

Logan go to watch a tractor mow right outside Gma and Papa's front door

On Tuesday we headed to the Omaha Children's Museum. Not gonna lie, coolest place ever!!! Definitely going to be a fun place to go back to over the years. They even had a Dinosaur exhibit whilt we were there and Logan is still talking about it!

Grandma Dee and Papa Greg with the boys

Jordy had a great time too!
Jordy esopecially LOVED the carousel
Sprinkler time with Papa

Grandma Dee took us to a Splash Pad that was great on a hot day
I couldn't reach Jordy very well and his head had fallen forward in the carseat while he napped. Poor Guy! But thank goodness his big brother was there to rescue him :) Logan was too cute holding his head up for him.
At the Park

We had to stop and check out the cement trucks after the park
And I got to go to a good high school friend's wedding. It was so nice to catch up with some old friends, Mandy and Brian.