Thursday, February 27, 2014
Mommy's Photo Op
Last week I had our photographer from our x-mas card take Harper's pictures and a few of the boys and her as well. Those Pictures will come later! :)After the shoot we headed to the park. And since they were looking so I nice I decided to take a few pics of my own.
So story behind these glasses is that Jordy LOVES glasses. He always has it seems. I found these fake little gems in the dollar store at Target and I would say they are one of his prized possessions. Anyways he was wearing them all day that day!
These pics of Logan make me giggle because he is really into having his picture taken lately and likes to "pose" for the camera lately. He looks so handsome and I feel like I am looking at his senior pictures or something. Lol Love my handsome boy!
Seriously could he be any cuter
These two have quite the little bond!
Scariest 30 Seconds of My Life
On the morning of February 2nd, Jordy had a seizure in our bed at 5:45am. It was the scariest 30 seconds of my life, hands down. He had had a cold with a lot of drainage and had been coughing all night. In the middle of the night we brought him in to our bed to help him sleep better and so we could be closer to him. THANK THE LORD is all I can say. There were definitely angels in our home that night because this all happened on a Saturday morning (so Jeremy was home) and while my parents were visiting. When the seizure started I initially thought he was choking to death because he had so much phlem in his throat. I screamed for Jeremy because he was sleeping in the boys room (Logan came into our bed also and Harper was sleeping on my chest)who immediately rushed to the rescue. He instantly tried sweeping out his mouth etc. Again we thought he was choking and then went into a seizure. After approx. 20-30 seconds, the seizure stopped. He was not really there though. We immediately rushed to the ER. Again, angels were with us as my parents were there to stay with Logan and Harper.
This was in the ER on the morning of the seizure
After numerous tests in the ER, they sent us home. We had an MRI done the following week. We took him to the mall for some Jordy/Mommy Daddy time before heading to the hospital. He managed to find Olaf along the way!
Waiting to get started with his MRI
My sweet sweet boy sleeping after his MRI. He had to be put under for the MRI and that in and of itself was very traumatic for everyone. We had about 8 different med people in the room trying to get the anestesia into him. He was poked (or pointed as he would say)10-15 times. Needless to say, he was not a happy camper and we all were a bit traumatized. The MRI came back normal and we thought we were free and clear. It was just a phenomenon as is the case for many children who have a seizure one time. We did however have one more test to do with him, an EEG (aka brain wave test)
His EEG was last Friday and much to our disbelief, the results of it came back with a high risk of seizures for our Jordy! It is all still a little unbelievable to me but I also am so very very thankful that this is all it is. I definitely recognize the severity of this circumstance but I also look at my baby and know that he is a happy, healthy, (besides this risk which we hope will be contained with the medicine), active, smart little man. My mindset is that we will help our child get through this and whatever obstacle may or may not present itself. He just started his medications two nights ago and often times he fights medicines but he is taking it like a champ and has been so brave throughout this entire situation. I am so proud of my Jordo!!
His EEG was last Friday and much to our disbelief, the results of it came back with a high risk of seizures for our Jordy! It is all still a little unbelievable to me but I also am so very very thankful that this is all it is. I definitely recognize the severity of this circumstance but I also look at my baby and know that he is a happy, healthy, (besides this risk which we hope will be contained with the medicine), active, smart little man. My mindset is that we will help our child get through this and whatever obstacle may or may not present itself. He just started his medications two nights ago and often times he fights medicines but he is taking it like a champ and has been so brave throughout this entire situation. I am so proud of my Jordo!!
Catching up! Part 2
Some more random pics from the last couple weeks . . .
My sweet little Harper LOVES her ride when we are playing outside. It is kind of funny because she NEVER complains about being in it and her whole disposition changes to "confident kid"! I mean she sits upright, grabs hold of the steering wheel, and says "Mom, Let's Go! LOL
The boys really took their time on the Valentines Crafts Grandma Dee left for them. Logan has really progressed to paying attention to the details of the projects he is working on.
Jordy showing off his Tow Truck that he and Mommy put together. All the while, Logan built this truck ALL BY HIMSELF following the directions step by step. This was a first for him! Way to go Lo!
Harper LOVES her friend Lily-Grace.
More bitter-beer faces from this little lady. Her second bottom tooth just came through and I think her top two are moving on down
This child has the best brothers in the world. She is one lucky little gal!
Harper had her first time in the pool this past weekend. She ABSOLUTELY LOVED it and was kicking her legs like a frog the entire time we were in
Yes this is happening!! Don't know what would possess the third child to do this?!? (insert sarcasm) She is ready to be a big kid just like the other two. Part me says, "You Go Girl!" and the other says, "Please STOP!!! No need to rush! For some reason I don't think slowing down is going to be part of this gals agenda :)
This is one of Jordy's favorite chores around the house. He loves to sort out all the silverware and he really is a big help to Mom. Love building my little army of helpers. He really enjoys it too! Cherishing his enjoyment in it while it lasts :)
Catching Up! Part 1
February seemed to come and go a little quickly for me! My mom spent an extra week with us after my Dad left and she is always a big help for me. It is always nice to have my Mom here to just be and enjoy. The pictures I have are not very good and random but all that I managed to take lately. Oh well, right!?!
Logan's Preschool sang love songs for Valentines Day at a nearby retirement center. The kids had a great time and the elderly people just adored seeing our kiddos. It was so nice to brighten their day a little bit.
Phone Pic with Papa
Jordy managed to talk Gma into swinging with him. It didn't take much effort. ;)
Grandma and Papa also went to Jordy and Logan's music class. This was a class really for Jordy to call his own and he definitely did. He LOVED going to HIS class.
And then Logan Talked Papa into swinging with him!
Haircut day in the Wright House! Jeremy has always cut the boys hair and he does such a good job! Thank ful for such a multi-skilled hubby!
Grandma and Harper face timing with Papa Greg
Harper loves to sit on her legs like this. Neither of the boys did this. It is just adorable to me!
Harper loves her Gma!
My creative Logan put this costume together all by himself!
Snuggles with Grandma!
Friday, February 14, 2014
Harper is 7 Months Old
*She is wearing mainly 6-9 month clothing
*She loves the remote and is usually pretty content playing on her own
*She is generally pretty quiet
*She LOVES Bath time and as soon as we turn on the water she starts going crazy because she knows she's going in
*She just started giving kisses when you ask for them
*She is still struggling a lot at night mainly due to digestive issues we are trying to sort out with a GI Specialist
*She is a very happy little lady besides when the digestive issues bother her
*She is a Mommy's Girl right now
*She is our little peanut because she is quite little
*She is eating several finger foods such as puffs, bread, and cheese
*She is constantly up on all fours and has managed to crawl backwards quite often but no forward crawling yet
*She got her first tooth in on Feb. 4th. It was on the bottom left center. No others have cut through yet
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Surf City Marathon 2014
At the beginning of February my parents came to visit. This trip was not only to see us, but also for my Dad to cross off something from his bucket list. He had been training for many months to run in his first ever marathon! He ran the Surf City Half Marathon with me 4 years ago and this time around he ran the FULL MARATHON just 4 days after celebrating his 56th Birthday! We are so proud of you Dad and so happy that you chose to do it here in California with us! Thanks for letting us cheer you on!
My Dad celebrating his Birthday with his grandkids
At mile marker 26 at the EXPO the day before
We found Papa at mile 17!!! Go Papa Go!!!
Coming in for the finish! What an amazing accomplishment Dad!!!!
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