Thursday, March 3, 2011

Nursing ELMO???? What!

Ok so funny story . . . The other day Logan was pushing his Elmo doll around the house in a stroller. He came into the nursery and decided he should change his diaper on the changing pad. (yes Elmo was wearing diaper) He proceded to change the diaper as best he could. All the while I am in the rocking chair watching Jordy and Kenley nearby. (Sidenote . . . Logan had a bucket of play food that gets dumped out in whatever room we happen to be in at the moment daily and multiple times daily so of course there is play food all over the floor) I say to Logan after he is done changing Elmo's diaper, "Elmo seems hungry. Maybe you could feed him." Logan stands in front of me holding Elmo with a very puzzled look on his face for what seemed like minutes. He then slowly lifted his shirt and stuck Elmo under to nurse him! I almost fell out of the rocking chair laughing so hard. Poor little guy stuck at home with mommy too long!

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