Monday, October 24, 2011

Santa Anita Horse Races

On Sunday we headed to the horse races near LA. Neither Jeremy or I had ever been and we were looking for an adventure for our whole family. We decided to take the boys because it was family day and they had activities for the kids. It was really fun and I definitely wouldn't mind going again. It was really exciting to watch as our horses won! (A few ;))Logan especially loved getting to ride the horses while Jordy was a little apprehensive. But all in all it was a great family day!

Logan and Jordy on the horses!

If you look really closely you can see tthe horses running. It was so exciting as all three of the horses we bet on were in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. Logan was hilarious and we really wished we had it on video. As the horses passed us, of course everyone was shouting and clapping. Logan got so excited that as soon as they passed he took off sprinting after them yelling "neigh, neigh" and doing this crazy dance. It was so funny!

Jordy giving kisses! They never get old!

Daddy and his boys

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Jordy's 1st Birthday Party

Today we had Jordy's 1st Birthday Party! I can hardly even believe I am saying that. What! . . . It has been a whole year since he entered our world. We had a Halloween Party for his birthday with all of his friends and it was a GREAT time! He was happy thoughout the whole thing. Thank you to all our friends for celebrating with us and making it such a wonderful day. We will celebrate again next weekend on his actual Birthday with Grandma and Papa Wright.
All of us in our plaid shirts and Halloween colors!

Jordy makes the best cow because he can't walk yet!! :)

Some of the decorations

Logan and Kenley enjoying the party!

It was a little tight but everyone had a good time. The more the merrier!

Jordy and his friend "Little" Logan

"Check out my new ride!"

Jordy and his Birthday Cake! (Sorry, had to put it in 2 videos)

This video is from a few days ago but I had to post it. Jordy and Logan love to play in the ball pit and Jordy especially LOVES to relax in there. (Even if it means enduring his brother :) )

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Pumpkin Patch!!!

Today we headed to the pumpkin patch for a fun filled afternoon with our good friends, the Clarks, and the Arredondos. Logan was so excited to go and kept saying, "We are going to Old McDonalds Farm"! So cute.

Logan and his best bud Kenley (besides Jordy) :)
At least 1 is looking
Logan was a little hesitant feedding the goats
Jordy and Mommy
My sweet baby boy
Logan and Kenley having a blast
Logan absolutely loved trekking through the pumpkins searching for his perfect pumpkin
And he found it!
The boys and their pumpkins (That we never actually bought because the line was too long . . . haha)
Our family!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Logan Update

I feel like Logan needs a little update as he has been growing and changing so much in the past couple months. He is talking in full sentences and saying the funniest things these days. I need to start writing some of them down. But for now I will say he LOVES to make us laugh and make Jordy and Kenley laugh as well. Since turning two he has struggled with taking naps and basically refuses to everyday at this point. We have started a "quiet time" where he plays quietly in his room for about an hour if he does not nap. We have worked up to the hour time and he is doing pretty well with it. Today was no exception. He decided that he would rather have quiet time than lay down so that is what we did. After about an hour I headed up to check on him and realized it was very quiet. I opened the door and found him dead asleep in his chair. This is sooooo shocking to me because he fights sleep horribly and I never would have thought he would give in like this. But YAY! for Logan. It was nice to see him let go and sleep even if it was sitting in the chair. I really wanted to move him to his bed but I knew the moment he slightly moved he would be awake and wouldn't go back to sleep. So there he "lay".

On another note, Logan is turning into a great brother and I LOVE watching him show love to Jordy and Kenley. He can be really really sweet. On the other hand he is struggleing (as all 2 year olds do) with sharing lately and with expressing his emotions in an appropriate manner. The combination of not napping and the struggle with his possessions and emotions have made for an exhausting couple of months for both he and I. However I feel like he is taking steps in the right direction and maturing. So that is where he is right now. The videos below capture some of his sweetness.
When he puts on his sunglasses he thinks he needs music to dance to. I don't know where he got that but I am going to take a guess that he has watched some music videos with daddy at some point. Ahhhh!!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Oh How I Love Fall!

Fall is most definitely my favorite season of all. There is a change in the air, the colors are beautiful, football/volleyball is here, my house smells of wonderful things coming from the crock pot, the windows are open and fresh air is pouring in. I could go on and on but my favorite thing is getting to share these wonderful things with my family.

Logan loves to cook with me no mater what it is. Today it was Pumpkin Bread . . . Mmmm