Throughout the month I wanted to jot down some of the random things I am thankful for but I never got around to doing it until now so I am sure I will forget many of them but here goes.
Thankful For . . .
*My wonderful husband who works so hard for our family
*My beautiful parents who have been by my side my entire life and who I hope I am like someday.
*My friends (old and new) who bring me comfort, perspective, and humor.
*My camera and computer that I am able to document my family with.
*My back patio that has given us more space and the ability for me to let my kids be outside as much as they and I want
*Skype . . . I don't think I could make it without it
*Having the best in-laws in the world
*Being able to stay home and raise my boys
*TLC my favorite channel when I get a chance to watch it
*Ice Cream ;)
*Nap time . . .When it happens ;)
*Candles. I LOVE having a home that smells warm and cozy
*Comfy clothes. One of the perks of working from home :)
*My health and my family and friends' health
*Seeing my boys make each other laugh and hug each other
*Being outside in November without coats
*To have two beautiful, healthy boys who are most definitely the light of our lives
I love your list!!! All perfect! :) Happy Thanksgiving to the Wright family!