I feel like Jordy needs a little update. He has grown and changed so much since turning 1 that I wanted to be sure to remember him at this age. The picture above is a great representation of him right now. Super happy, lots of energy, nearly running, and always bringing a smile to our faces. He also has these ridiculously silly faces he does that have become more and more a part of him. We love you Jordy! And btw that is a snail in the background that Logan was checking out. :)Gotta love boys!
Some things he is doing now:
*Walking everywhere and nearly running
*Imitating whatever his brother does
*Having a little issue with hitting when he doesn't get what he wants
*LOVES his Daddy and runs to him as soon as he get's inside the door
*Can eat a ton but still pretty picky. We are working on it I guess and getting a little better.
*Loves balls and playing outside
*He can be a great cuddler
*Doesn't have a whole lot of focus or time for sitting and reading. As soon as we sit down and get past the first page he is back up and going.
*Not talking much yet although he has a few words like, Ball, all done, Dadda, and a couple grunts that mean "yes" or "no". He also signs "more".
*Is super happy for the most part but has a fierce little temper when he doesn't get his way with something. Also working on this one right now :)
Height: 33 in - 91%
Weight: 24lbs 12oz - 51%
Head Circumference: 47cm - 42%
What a cutie!! He has gotten so big! Love that picture, so much personality!