Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

I just thought that I would take a moment to write how thankful I am this evening. I can't believe how mushy I am already getting as I sit here on Christmas Eve waiting for Jeremy, Clay, and Jon to finish putting together some of the "Santa" gifts. My little 5 month old tucked in tight in his "First Christmas" sleeper with Christmas music playing in the backround. My two nephews are sound asleep awaiting Santa. I am surrounded by family and a beautiful home and I just want this time to freeze. I can hardly believe that Logan is already 5 months old. He has sat up for the first time and is almost rolling over on his own. Where did my little baby bundle go? I know I shouldn't be saying this but for some reason I am already missing his "littleness. Ok I need to stop before I make a big mess out of myself. :) I am just going to go enjoy the rest of this Christmas Eve with my family playing games and enjoying the wonderful night.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Peas Please!

Logan had his first experience with a food other than oatmeal last night! He tried peas and it seemed to go over pretty well. At first he was a little apprehensive but it didn't take long before he was reaching for it like a crazy man. This morning I tried mixing some banana with his oatmeal and he absolutely loved it. He ate a ton! Way to go Logan!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Merry Christmas, Love Logan

A Few of Logan's First Christmas Memories
Just enjoying the fire by his First Christmas Tree!

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Logan's First Oatmeal

On Monday night we decided to let Logan try some baby oatmeal for the first time per our pediatrician's recommendation. We felt like he was feeling better and decided to give it a try. Little did we know we would be back in the hospital the next day but the feeding seemed to go pretty well despite. I watered it down quite a bit and he semed to do pretty well. I have tried it the last couple days as well and he has gotten it down. Last night he took over a full serving just fine. I don't think he will have a problem putting on the pound that he lost while being sick.

Monday, December 7, 2009

What A Week It's Been!

What a week it has been! Words can't express what it feels like to have your baby get sick and not be able to fix it and make him feel better. The week started with Logan throwing up Monday morning before heading back to California from our Thanksgiving vacation. He seemed ok at first but as the day continued he progressively got fussier and fussier. Tuesday night brought more vomiting, sleeplessness, and uncontrollable crying and by Wednesday morning he was throwing up bright green. This wasn't good and I immediately got us packed up and headed to the ER. Once there, they ran a series of tests and Logan was put through the ringer. He had an IV put in, blood drawn, a catheater inserted to draw urine, and finally a Barium enima done. My poor little baby was very brave but at the end of the day we were sent home because nothing was found. At first he looked a little better but again, he progressively got worse over the next day. He would cry for hours unconsolably and not sleep hardly at all. After a very sleepless night for all three of us, we finally decided to head back to the ER Friday morning. They proceeded to insert another IV, draw blood, and do a catscan of the brain. Again the results were negative! This was definitely a good thing but as a parent I just wanted to find the answer to the poblem rather than be told they couldn't find anything and send us home again. And so we headed home again only to have Logan start throwing up green once more! At this point both Jeremy and I were not going to take going to the ER again and were going to have him admitted. So, back in the car we were, my little one completely lethargic and ill. He got sick several more times that evening before they took him to get a Barium GI Test. Again the test came back negative but did show that he was having reflux issues, though this was not what was making him sick. That evening, the nurses attempted to put an IV in once again but because he was so dehydrated at that point they were unsuccessful after about 6-7 attempts. It is quite possibly the worst feeling in the world to watch your baby go through pain and not be able to take their place. Thankfully, we tried giving him small amounts of pedialyte to hopefully re-hydrate him without having to insert tubes in his nose. He was able to hold the liquid down and therefore get hydrated on his own. By Staurday he was seeming somewhat better although the reflux he is dealing with is pretty painful for him. However he was eating a little and not throwing up anymore. We stayed one more night to ensure all would continue to go ok. He did well enough for the doctors to say that the virus he had was pretty much gone. Now we just have to deal with the reflux issue. We got home yesterday afternoon and it was so great to have him home and feeling quite a bit better. Jeremy and I have decided that last night was the most "smily" we have ever seen him at one time. He just couldn't stop smiling and he knew he was home. He even gave us his first true giggle. It was so much fun. I look forward to hearing many more of those from him! :) I know this is quite the long account but I want to remember all that he went through this past week. I am just so thankful that he is feeling better and that the issues were not much worse. So many thoughts go through your head as a parent and I am just so happy that it turned out like this.

Wednesday in the ER - Trip 1

They kept the IV Stem in in case he needed to come back

Friday Morning in the ER - Trip 2

Friday afternoon in the Hospital after being admitted - Trip 3
He lost over 1lb!

Jeremy trying to get a little rest. He was up the entire night before with Logan.
What a great Dad!

Finally getting a little sleep

He seemed to enjoy this swing on occasion.
It kept him upright so that his reflux was a little better.

I wheeled him around in this red wagon. He really like it and even fell asleep in it. I think this will be on the x-mas list next year.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thanksgiving in Omaha

This past week we returned to Omaha to spend Thanksgiving with our family and to have Logan Baptized in the same Church Jeremy and I were married in. It was such a great week! I got to see a few good friends as well as spend some much needed time with both of our families. Logan had his first experience of the ever changing Nebraska weather (although the week we were there was quite mild) as well as meeting some of my cousins kiddos. Thanksgiving was wonderful. My Mom always does a fabulous job hosting and preparing a great meal. Finally we Baptized Logan at Mary Our Queen Church on Sunday. It was a good culmination to the week. I am so thankful for my family and it was such a blessing to get to see both sides of our family at the same time. We love you all!

Here is the week in pictures . . .

Logan all bundled up and ready to head out in the cold

Papa Greg and Logan

Logan helping Grandma Dee make pumpkin pies

Grandma Dee playing with Logan

Mommy and Logan on Thanksgiving! I am thankful for my little Turkey. :)

Daddy and Logan on Thanksgiving Day

Grandpa Bert and Logan hanging out

Grandma Cindy putting Logan to sleep

Some of the Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren with Grandpa Ed
From Left: Cara Sidak, Cameron Sidak, Jeremy Wright, Jack Stanzel, Caleb West, Ben West, Julieann Sidak, Kelli Sidak, Trish Sidak, Katie Sue Sidak, Katie Wright, Logan Wright, Grandpa Ed Tharnish, Courtney West, Christian West

4 Generations!
Dee Stanzel, Ed Tharnish, Katie Wright, Logan Wright

Grandma Dee and Logan

Logan in his Elf PJ's and Snowman slippers with both Grandpa's

Logan also turned 4 months old on November 24th.
Some things he is doing now:
  • Babbleing a lot more
  • He no longer needs to be in a "straight jacket" to go to sleep, but he still likes to be swaddled
  • He is so so close to sitting on his own
  • He has just started to giggle or it's more of a gurgle at this point
  • EVERYTHING goes in his mouth but no teeth yet
  • He loves to smile
  • He typically takes three solid naps a day
  • He loves to hold things in his hands and investigate them thoroughly
All the Grandparents decided to go for a walk to look at Christmas lights after Thanksgiving. They took Logan along. I am pretty sure Logan was unsure of the whole situation ("Where are these people taking me in the cold and dark without my Mommy and Daddy"?)and to be honest so was I!
Just Kidding :)

Aunt Amy with her "Buddy the Elf"

After Logan's Baptism

Jon and Katie are Logan's Godparents.

All the Grandparents with Logan

The Whole Wright Family

The Whole Stanzel Family

Baby Jace

Jaxon and Logan were becoming friends. Jaxon was very sweet to Logan and Logan thought Jaxon was the greatest. They even held hands. So cute!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Logan's 4 Month Dr.'s Appointment

Logan had his 4 month Dr's appointmenton Tuesday and Jeremy took him. Logan had his second round of immunization shots and did very well. Jeremy said he cried for 2 seconds! Logan is still doing very well in all areas and was given the okay to start rice cereal if we want to. I am still deciding if I want to start it with him yet.

He was also measured as usual and here are his stats:

Height: 26.6 in - 96%

Weight: 16lbs 8oz - 85%

Head Circumference: 42.7cm - 67%

Time To Go

You know it's time to go when you have eyes looking at you like this! We were at a friends housewarming party and we left a little early because Logan's eyes were the size of saucers. :)

Just Checkin' Himself Out

Logan is really enjoying looking at hismself in the mirror. He is very close to being able to sit on his own so this will be a fun activity he will be able to do on his own soon.
"Hi Mom, I can see you!"
"Boy, I sure am cute!"

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween with Grandma Cindy

Grandma Cindy came to visit this past weekend and we had a blast! The weather was beautiful and we spent the weekend shopping, watching football, playing games, and I learned how to sew! Logan was a Lion for Halloween and a darn cute one at that! Mommy and Grandma took him to see a few of our neighbors while Daddy manned the house. It was a great weekend and we can't wait to see Grandma again soon.
P.S. Oh and by the way, Logan is sleeping 5 to 6 hours at night now! Woohoo!


Hi Grandma

Heading out to visit the neighbors

Mommy and her Lion

Halloween Family Picture

Logan and Grandma playing