Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Harper is 6 Weeks Old

My sweet little Harper was 6 weeks old last week and she had her check-up. She is doing wonderfully and is growing like a weed. Here are her measurements . . .

Height: 23in - 90%
Weight: 9lbs 14oz - 48%

I never knew how much I would love this little girl. She is just the sweetest thing ever! She is super snuggly and has started smiling and cooing. She loves her activity mat and fans. She is still sleeping in with me right now but will be moving into her crib soon. She is sleeping one long stretch for about 4-5 hours and then up every 2 hours after.

Monday, August 26, 2013

The Small Things . . .

This is more therapy than anything for me to write and my blog is meant to harness these moments in our lives to look back on. So with that being said, I am knee deep in the trenches of life with 3 children under 5. As I reflect on my day my mind races with what I could have done better because lately I honestly could do LOTS better.

What if I would have changed my tone or lowered my voice a couple notches. Would I have gotten a better reaction that would not have lead to me feeling like I just lost my patience and my control of the situation. Could I have guided my children to a better solution before the quarrels between them and eventually me escalated. I know in hindsight that these small things are really big things that will mold them in many ways. I know that my actions are their guide or model and they are the entire reason that I wanted to be there to bring them up. So why am I feeling so defeated lately. I know I am a good mom but this job is TOUGH sometimes. I also know that the toughness of it all is what makes the other days so joyous.

I read an article today that made me absolutely sob. It was from another mother who was comparing a nice article of clothing that needed to be washed in the gentle cycle to our children and here is an excerpt . . .

 "Then into the basin to soak a while. Because, while a fast and furious normal wash might leave my dress without stain, the scarring from the increased agitation is permanent.

Gentle. Deliberate. Full care.

The metaphor, though predictable - because laundry is a perpetual event around here - is striking!
What if we mothered this way? What if the tantrums and fake tears weren’t met with out of control voices that only mirrored the child, but with self-control, and patience, and “hold my hand and listen to my words”? What if sarcasm was replaced with expressed interest in the person he/she is and is becoming?"

These words ring so true for me and truly remind me to talk a little quieter, speak a little more deliberate rather that with little interest and truly be patient amidst the chaos. I believe in my heart that we are creating world changers. I myself will do better at these things with my children because just as this other mother wrote,

"With extra care, careful to preserve their beating heart that can turn this way and that. With attention to the impact of our words. With the knowledge that our efforts, our actions, they’ll be repeated with our grandchildren.

The gentle cycle creates a legacy."

Motherhood is RIDICULOUSLY HARD sometimes but IT is also the most JOYOUS job in the world and I wouldn't trade it for anything! . . . And I mean ANYTHING!


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

More Beach For Ya

We spent another day at the beach! Lots of fun and exploring to be had.
Logan was treasure hunting with Dad

Concert in the Park

We have been to a few concerts in the park this summer and have always had a good time. Friday night we spent our evening in Ladera Ranch with some good friends at their concert in the park and had a lot of fun.
Oh and did I mention that we all had sweet baby girls within the last 6 months!
Jordy and his buddy Kenley. That is a smile of pure happiness!
Showing off their tattoos!
She loves to watch her Daddy
The Daddy's with their girls

Grandma and Papa Wright Visit

Two weekends ago Grandma and Papa Wright came to visit. They spent the weekend getting to know little Miss Harper. It was an added bonus that it happened to be Cindy's Birthday so we got to celebrate that with her.
Grandma Cindy got to give Harper her first bottle ever. And boy did she suck that thing down. No problems taking a bottle with this little girl.
One of Grandma Cindy's favorite things to do when she visits is to go to the beach . . . So on her Birthday that is just what we did. We spent the day at Huntington Beach and had a blast!
Grandma with her little beach babe
Lots of good play in the sand
Papa and Jordy exploring the beach
Grandma and Papa enjoying the view
Absolutely terrible lighting but did not want to leave this picture out. Thank you for coming to visit us. As usual it was a wonderful time with you, G and P!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Harper is 1 Month Old

Harper is 1 month old! She is such a joy and I already can't remember life without her in our family. It is amazing how that happens. She is so so sweet and such a little peanut at this point.

Some things she is doing now:

She is very mellow for the most part but also very alert.

She loves to snuggle and sleep on her side. She does not sleep as well when she is tightly swaddled.

She loves to be held by Logan and He LOVES to hold her. He is such a great brother to her and tells her all the time how much he loves her.

She is eating every 2 hours right now and a little longer the first stretch at night. She is still going to bed late at about 9-10.

My guess is that she is about 8.5 - 9lbs right now but I will find out at her 6 week appt

The Past Week . . .

Just a few pictures from this past week . . .
A fun lunch in "Their House"
Harper's first time at the pool. And yes she HAD to wear her suit! :) It was just to cute not to.
My little water babies taking a lunch break
Jordy and Eliot
Last Friday night we headed to the Staples center in LA to watch the first night of the X Games.
Daddy and his boys
The boys loved watching the dirt bikes. It really was a fun event to take little boys to. They and we had a blast!
Harper has started looking and enjoying her activity mat

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Family Pics

1 week after H was born, we had some pictures taken of her as well as the rest of the family.