Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Harper is 4 Months Old

I promise this little lady DOES smile! Just not for the camera yet . . . LOL! She has a very strong curiosity for the camera and becomes awestruck when in front of it. Miss Harper is 4 months old and is becoming super interactive and fun. The video below shows that. Sorry it is turned. I have no idea how to change it.
Some things she is doing now:

*She rolls all over the place
*She LOVES to play with her toys
*She is beginning to get into a routine with naps. Generally every two hours and she is down for another
*Still exclusively breastfeeding
*Her brothers can make her smile on a dime
*She is sleeping one long stretch of about 5-6 hours and then up ever 2-3 hours
*She has found her feet and they often end up in her mouth
She is pretty long and lean . . .Weight: 13.6 lbs (40%) and Height: 25cm (90%)
She LOVES headbands . . .LOL or maybe that is just her Mamma. Well she at least has no problem with them. :)

End of the Soccer Season

Logan finished up his soccer season a couple weekends ago. He had a great time and learned and improved so much over the course of the season. This group of boys and coaches was an awesome environment for him to be a part of.
This picture makes me laugh because it kind of speaks volumes about the part Logan played. LOL He was always moving (at least we weren't spending the game lying on the field) and usually smiling. As in this picture, waving to one of us! Love it! Just glad he was having fun :)
Learning the value of a team!
Grandma Dee was still here to cheer in his last game
Logan definitely LOVED getting his trophy from Coach Clint
Way to Go Green Gators!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

What Time Is It?!?!

It's Lunch Time . . . Or Jordy's Birthday Party Time. Ok, for all you Bubble Guppies fans you know that this is the ever so catchy tune to this show and will stay with you for days at a time. Which is why Jordy had a Bubble Guppies Birthday Party this year. He LOVES Bubble Guppies STILL (Been a huge fan for over a year now :) ).
We spent the morning at open gym at gymnastics and then headed to the park nearby for donuts and play time. It was a fun morning for everyone and it was nice to have Gma Dee and Papa Greg here to help celebrate!

Halloween 2013

Grandma and Papa Stanzel arrived earlier in the day on Halloween to spend some time with us. The boys were pretty tired by the time it was trick-or-treating time but they managed about an hour and had fun! They were a knight, a trojan, and Harper was our little ladybug!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Jordy is 3

Jordy is 3! My baby boy is no longer a baby. He is a talkative, imaginative, bright little guy who keeps us on our toys and is teaching his mommy in so so many ways ;) how to be a better mommy. We are so blessed to have him in our family! Jordy we love you!
Some things he is doing now:

*The pacifier fairy came and took all his night time pacifiers about 3 months ago
*Jordy is POTTY TRAINED! I feared it would never happen but it was so so easy because he was ready. BTW this all happened this week!
*He is such an imaginative boy who plays so well with toys
*His favorite food no doubt is cheese
*Favorite color is blue
*He LOVES all things music and LOVES to dance
*Has developed a few of his own friendships recently and his best friend (besides his brothers)is Eliot
*Favorite animal is a horse
*Can count to twenty
*He is having full on conversations with Daddy on the phone now. It is so fun to hear him tell him about his day. He is getting so big!
*He also challenges his parents to parent differently with him. He is strong willed, stubborn, and feisty at this age. God give me patience, understanding, and a loving demeanor with him over the course of this year ;)
*One of my most favorite things about Jordy is how he wraps his arms around your head to give you a kiss. He has a very sweet heart

Other Fall Happenings

Logan and his class during their party. (Yes there are only five in his class :) )
Halloween cookies with my boys
LOVE this picture of my 3!

LCC Fall Festival

A few weeks ago, the church that Logan attends preschool at had their annual Fall Festival. Jeremy (who has been working most weekends lately due to the project he is on) was able to get away and go with us. The boys were so happy when they saw Daddy's truck meet us at the church. We had a great time at the festival with several of our "Preschool friends and their families."
My "Knights in Shining Armor!"
Riding the horses is always a hit especially when you are a "KNIGHT"
Logan with his good friend from preschool, Tatum
Logan getting his face painted by Ms. Nancy, his teacher

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Pumpkin Patch

In Mid-October, we met our good friends, the Stalkers at the Pumpkin Patch and had a great time! Excuse the quality of pictures . . . Forgot my camera and had to use my phone.
Riding the train and all the other rides. They had a blast!
The best I could do ;/
This picture cracks me up!!! This is Jordy "TRYING" to smile. Apparently we are going through the phase of not knowing how to :)
Last attempt at a good pic of the 4 of them. Not too bad. I am just so thankful to have this family in our lives.