Thursday, February 23, 2012

Uncle Jon Visits and Logan's Sports Class

So I probably should have posted this before the moving post but oh well. Last weekend Uncle Jon came for his annual visit. It was great to have him as always and I know Jeremy and him had some great brotherly bonding.

As for Logan, he has been doing a multi-sports clinic every Saturday for the past several weeks. He is loving it and really liked t-ball a lot. Tomorrow's class starts basketball so it should be entertaining to say the least. I am beyond excited for sports to start with the boys. I am trying not to get too excited as it is still a bit off. Plus I know I will be way more excited then them on many occasions and can already see a lot of learning on the horizon for Mommy on how to handle my competitive nature as a parent. But I am still excited! :) Yay for sports!

Logan leading the way, running the bases

Stepping on Home Plate

Batter Up!!!

And he's off to 1st!

Go Team!

Uncle Jon enjoying his In & Out! Thanks for coming Jon!

No Matter What, No Matter Where . . .

The past several months have been a stressful roller coaster but Jeremy and I can finally say that this ride is nearly over. WE ARE MOVING . . . in 1 week!!!! It is so so bittersweet. This was Jeremy and my first house together. It is where we got engaged. The house we came home to after getting married. And of course the house we welcomed our 2 babies home to. We have many many wonderful memories from this house and so with a tear and a smile we say goodbye to this wonderful house on Dunsmore and move forward to our new adventure. As the sign in our house says, "No Matter What, No Matter Where, It's Always Home If Love Is There."

Yes that is our Elf, Frosty. I took these pictures around Christmas time.

And now for the real stress . . .Packing!!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Jordy is 15 Months

I feel like Jordy needs a little update. He has grown and changed so much since turning 1 that I wanted to be sure to remember him at this age. The picture above is a great representation of him right now. Super happy, lots of energy, nearly running, and always bringing a smile to our faces. He also has these ridiculously silly faces he does that have become more and more a part of him. We love you Jordy! And btw that is a snail in the background that Logan was checking out. :)Gotta love boys!

Some things he is doing now:

*Walking everywhere and nearly running
*Imitating whatever his brother does
*Having a little issue with hitting when he doesn't get what he wants
*LOVES his Daddy and runs to him as soon as he get's inside the door
*Can eat a ton but still pretty picky. We are working on it I guess and getting a little better.
*Loves balls and playing outside
*He can be a great cuddler
*Doesn't have a whole lot of focus or time for sitting and reading. As soon as we sit down and get past the first page he is back up and going.
*Not talking much yet although he has a few words like, Ball, all done, Dadda, and a couple grunts that mean "yes" or "no". He also signs "more".
*Is super happy for the most part but has a fierce little temper when he doesn't get his way with something. Also working on this one right now :)

Height: 33 in - 91%
Weight: 24lbs 12oz - 51%
Head Circumference: 47cm - 42%

Monday, February 20, 2012

Valentines Day!

Our Valentine's day was nice and simple this year. Daddy and the boys got to open their gifts in the morning. Logan and Jordy got to spend the afternoon with friends at a Valentine's Playdate Party, and then we came home and had a nice dinner at home. Jeremy went out the next night for dinner and a movie. I would have to say a pretty perfect little Valentine's Day(s)! :)

Valentine's Day morning

Eating their heart shaped, chocolate covered, rice krispie treats.

Where's mine Mom?? But I do LOVE my grapes!

Having Fun



Just doing a little shopping

Dance Party!

Big Valentine's Hugs for Daddy from his Boys!

My Boys

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Zoo With My Boys

This past weekend Jeremy went skiing with some friends so I decided to take the boys and go to the zoo. We had a great time and the day went without a hitch. The boys were amazing and we all had a blast. Their favorite animal was the kangaroo who was very active jumping around his cage.

Before we headed in

"Just like from Gnomeo and Juliet, Mommy

My Babies

Me and my boys

Just checking out the hippos!

Friday, February 3, 2012


Just a little catch up on the last couple weeks in photos . . .

I had gotten Logan's lunch ready on this day(Jordy had already eaten)and he told me he needed to use the potty, so off we went. While we were in the bathroom I could hear Jordy doing something by the highchair. This is what I came back to find. :) Guess someone was still hungry!

Helping Miss Maya celebrate turning 3! They all got to decorate this house. The kids all loved it!

"Hey look, this house fits me perfectly!"

Let's eat cupcakes!

I probably took 20 pictures of the 3 of them and this is the best I got! :)

Doing a little experiment with water, oil, and food coloring with Logan's buddy Ty.

On any given night this is the scene you will usually see right before bedtime. "Let's hide Daddy!!"

Lake Forest puts on a "Snowfest" every year. I find it pretty funny. I was so confused on what to dress the boys in to go. The temperature was near 80 degrees that day. Logan thought the snow was so neat and kept saying that it was really cold! Oh my California boys . . .what are we going to do?!?

Jordy didn't know what to think and wanted nothing to do with that cold stuff

The sledding hill! Isn't that hilarious!

Ann, Michelle, and I at Ann's Baby Shower. Yay for Baby Hattrup #2!

This week the boys went to open gym at a local gymnastics center with Maya and Ty. They absolutely LOVED it. Guess we'll be doing that little energy burner again. :)