Monday, April 26, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Grandma and Grandpa Wright Visit!

This past week Grandma Cindy and Grandpa Bert came to visit. We had a great time. Bert got to golf with Jeremy and Cindy got to experience my crazy days with 4 kids. We had some great meals, a few shopping trips to Costco of course and got to enjoy our time with them. Of course since becoming parents Jeremy and I have realized that trips from the grandparents (this include all grandparents in this world) are made to see their grandchildren and oh it's nice to see their children during the trip as well. :) But of course this is ok with us and we just love having them here!

Diaper Baby

After bath time I love to let Logan just crawl around in just his diaper for awhile. I just thought he was too cute to leave off the blog but of course I am little partial. :)

Grandma Dee Visits!

Grandma Dee came to visit during her Spring Break the first week of April and probably left more tired than before. I am watching 3 other kiddos during the day along with Logan and this has left me very busy. It was so nice to have a helping hand but I felt kind of bad that she was not able to relax a little more. She
definitely got lots of time with Logan though which was all she wanted. On Saturday we decided to go to the Santa Ana Zoo which is the perfect size for little ones. We had a great time although it was right during Logan's nap time so he was a little zoned out during the trip. I think the farm was definitely our favorite part.


So I know Easter was forever ago but here are some pictures of our little Easter Egg enjoying his first Easter. We had a nice relaxing Easter as a family.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Logan is 8 Months Old!

Logan turned 8 months old March 24th. He is getting so big and really forming his personality these days. This is a really fun stage for us and him as he is beginning to really explore his world.

Some things he is doing now:
*He is crawling everywhere
*He is standing up to everything he can get a hold of
*He is eating finger foods
*He is still working on the sippy cup (partly because I haven't been super consistent with it . . . oops)
*He is super smily!
*He is wearing all 12-18 month clothes and weighs 23.5 lbs
*He loves his cats and chases after them when he sees them
*We are still working on sleeping all the way through the night! uuugh I know he will get there I am just wondering when.
*He says "Mama" although sometimes I think it is because he gets stuck on his m's. The other times are when he cries. We are working on the d's and Dada's.
*He is loving to have friends over and being around people.

As I said earlier, every stage has been fun of course but this stage has been especially fun for Jeremy and I as we watch our son begin to develop his peronality. He is doing so well and we are so happy to have such a wonderful family.