Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Vacation Bible School

Both Boys attended VBS through Logan's preschool at the end of July. The last day of camp they performed a few of the songs they had worked on all week. And this VBS, only Logan attended because it was for older kids. Jordy went the following week.
I love this picture of 3 very Happy Buddies
And of course the inseperable, Jordy and Eliot
Logan saying "Goodbye" to his buddy Joshua. We weren't going to be seeing them again before we left California. It was so sad :(

Logan is 5

Seriously people, "Where did my baby go?!?!" I remember the second he entered this world like it was yesterday. He is growing into a truly amazing young boy and I just feel so honored that God allowed me to be his Mama! He did an interview for my that I need to put on here as soon as I find it ;)
We celebrated his actual Birthday dinner at the boys favorite place . . . Chucky Cheese!

Logan's Star Wars Beach Birthday

Logan turned 5! Say what!?!? I still can't believe it but he did. He wanted a Star Wars party so we made it happen at the beach. It was super fun and Logan of course had a blast with all his friends. So many great memories to hold on to of our last few weeks in California.
The whole Birthday group minus Eliot
My favorite picture of these two
The kids attended "Jedi Training Camp" directed by none other than Jedi Master Mama
And then quickly put into battle to defeat the "Dark One" AKA Jeremy lol

Perfect Beach Day

In July the kids and I tried to do as many of the wonderful and fun things that we love about California. One of them was of course hitting the beach and we just happened to have the perfect day. I think we stayed for over 5 hours, no complaints, just pure fun had by all. It was wonderful!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Harper is 1!

Ok so my little lady turned 1 over a month ago. I am so behind in my posts but I am here now ready to catch up :). Harper is so full of personality! She doesn't really have words yet but she thinks she does and rarely stops shouting. Lol We celebrated her B-Day at Farrels which is so fun because they sing. They sang a sweet gentle song so as not to scare her and she loved it!

Some things she is doing:

*She is wearing 12-18 month clothes
*She is loud and loves to shout
*She LOVES pizza and can easily put down 2-3 pieces
*She thinks she is as big as her brothers and needs to do whatever they are doing
*She loves clothes and tries to put them on usually her head
*She has a mouthful of teeth
*She sleeps 12 hours through the night problem