Friday, June 28, 2013

Last Couple Weeks . . .

The last couple weeks, Grandma Dee has been here helping me in my last couple weeks of pregnancy. I have been so happy having her help and am so thankful to have such a wonderful Mom and Grandma to my boys.
38 Weeks!
A day at the beach . . .Logan LOVED being in the water and playing in the sand
Jordy preferred the sand
Mom and I at my baby shower
Some of the lovely women in my life who threw me and this baby girl a beautiful shower! Thank you friends!
Grandma taught the boys hopscotch and they have been playing daily
Playing at the pool!
Taking a break in the shade and playing with snail shells
Logan and his snail shells!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Logan's Last Day of Preschool

Logan's last day of preschool was on Thursday. He had a wonderful year of growth, new friendships, and experiences.

Logan's 1st Day of Preschool

Logan's last day of Preschool

Logan and one of his best buddies, Griffin

Logan LOVED his teacher, Miss Nancy

Logan and one of his other buddies, Tate

Popcorn with Pops

Last Sunday was Daddy Day at Logan's Preschool. The kids got to bring their Dad's to school and have popcorn with them, show them their classrooms, and do some fun activities with them. Logan was so excited to do this with Jeremy as was Jeremy. They had a great time.

Picture to come . . .