Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Pretend City

This past week we spent a morning a one of our favorite kids museums. We LOVE Pretend City and the boys could have spent all day there. This was also the first time we have been there where Jordy was not stuck in the stroller. He was so happy to be out and exploring it all!
Logan just getting his fresh produce paid for :)
Jordy loving the baby chicks
Let me just make a quick phone call, Mom
Logan was thoroughly into cooking something with lots and lots of eggs. :)
And Jordy was having a great time trying on lots of hats
Still cooking away!

Mothers Day Weekend

Momma's Day weekend was spent celebrating our good friends' little boy's 1st Birthday at the pool. It was the first time at the pool this year and I am so excited to spend many more days at the pool this summer. The boys both loved the water and are ready for some more pool time this coming weekend. Yay for summer! On Sunday we spent a perfect Mothers' Day with my family. I definitely have the best job in the world . . .Being my babies' Mama!
Happy Birthday Chase!
Jeremy and Logan preparing their water squirters
Logan was having a blast "getting" everyone!
Ken and Jordy soaking up some sun.
After church in the rose garden. It was such a beautiful day!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Family Pictures

Part 2 of our portrait package was our family pictures. Man, professional pictures with two small kiddos is next to impossible but thankfully we got at least one. ;)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Jordy is 18 Months

Jordy is 18 Months and I don't know what happened. I once felt like Jordy was going to be my baby forever (and he always will be) but boy is he turning into a little boy. He has turned into a little beefcake who can be very sweet and then can be very feisty.

Some things he is doing now:

*He is talking a ton more saying Hi, By By, more, all done, airplane, LoLo, please, ball, cheese, shoes, and a lot of other words that only I or Jeremy know what he is saying.

*He is jumping and skipping all over. He LOVES to jump and actually gets off the ground. I think it is so funny because he just looks too young to get off the ground but he does.

*He is singing and humming constantly and his two favorite songs currently to sing are Twinkle Twinkle and the ABC's

*He loves his brother and is his little mimic

*He knows a lot more than I even think. I guess it is normal that I don't get to spend as much time individually with Jordy as I did with Logan. I still feel bad about that but when I do just sit with Jordy and look at books and ask him to point to different animals or things he knows what most of them are. He knows most of his body parts, a lot of animals, and many of the sounds they make.

*He is definitely going through the temper tantrum phase/hitting phase. I am hoping as he continues to gain more vocabulary this is will slowly or quickly ;) diminish.

*He is actually interested in the potty and sitting on it like Logan does. Although I think it is still a ways off.

*He is big eater but is not always into his veggies and fruit. Sometimes I have to get creative to get them into him. His favorite food is definitely anything with cheese, grilled cheese, mac and cheese, cheese sticks etc.

*He is still taking one long nap during the afternoon and sleeping from about 7:00pm -7:00am. He knows when he is tired and has no problem going to bed when he's ready. Just lay him down and he will blow you a kiss and say bye bye :)

*Balls are definitely his favorite toy but he also loves trucks

*He is a dancer! He will dance to anything that has a beat and he has his own Jordy dance for sure.

*He is very good at playing independently and can often be found lost in play. I love watching him do this.

Some things I want to remember:

*He is a GREAT cuddler and he gives really good hugs
*His screams just for fun (I am hoping this will end soon but he has done it for so long I want to remember it when he is done with it)
*How he walks with his arms up and how we call him are baby gorilla
*His dance moves especially with his arms

His measurements:

Height - 34in - 88%
Weight - 27.4lbs - 66%