Sunday, February 22, 2015

Harper is 18 Months . . . Ok 19 Months

How is she already 18 months!?!? Ok actually 19 months at this point! She 1 1/2 but don't tell her that. She is certain she is 5! I have a feeling this is going to be the trend for her life so I am going to do everything I can to not let it be. She is definitely a huge light in all of our lives. She is the happiest little lady ever. I have this thought daily. She is always laughing and smiling and trying to make us laugh.

She is an amazing eater. She will eat just about anything on her schedule. One day she will eat 2 cups of brocolli, the next day a ton of chicken etc. She will also eat just about anything I make. Hopefully this continues. She is very nurturing and empathetic even at this age. She wants to make sure you are happy and ok. When the boys are upset for whatever reason, she becomes very concerned with them. This carries over to her babies. She loves her baby dolls and feeding and holding them.

Some things she is doing now:

*She loves to "talk" and "jabber" constantly usually really loud. She is a very silly girl who uses lots of facial expressions and is constantly making everyone laugh.

*She doesn't have a ton of words yet but like I said "talks" constantly. Some of her words are Mama, Dada, Please, Hot, Up, Yes, Lolo, JoJo, Uck.

She is very observant and as I said earlier thinks she is much older than she is. She does whatever the boys do or at least and usually can.

*I don't have her measurements off the top of my head but I do know she is very long and lean and is currently wearing 24 months -3t.

*She loves to sing and dance. She also loves to run and hop. She is a very active little girl. Always going going going.

*She loves to be wherever Mommy is. She is my little helper with whatever I am doing.

Some things I want to remember . . .

*Her silly facial expressions and constant jabber *When she yells for me it is not "Mama" but "MOM" *She loves to run around the house and fall down because she gets excited and wants to make evryone laugh *She is constantly raiding the pantry/fridge

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